Step by Step: How We Bring Your Brand to Life

The Design Process

1. Introductions

After I receive your inquiry, we’ll kick things off with a quick chat. This will give us the opportunity to get to know each other and so I can better understand your project scope and goals.

From there, I’ll create a project proposal and cost estimate for you to review. This is where you’ll get a clearer picture of what’s to come. You’ll also be able to choose to add or remove things from the scope to adjust the price. Once you’ve given the green light, we’ll sign a contract and collect a deposit to begin the work.

2. Discovery & Direction

Before we can dive into design, it’s important we know what problems we’re trying to solve for with the design. We’ll spend some time upfront asking questions so I’m able to learn more about your brand and your perspective. We’ll be looking to answer questions like who is your target audience? And, what feelings do you want your brand to convey?

We will also do a gut check on visual direction before we roll into design. I’ll share a moodboard (visual inspiration) with you so we can align on the overall style, tone, and vibe of the work we’re creating.

3. Design

Now this is where I go heads down and get to work crafting your masterpiece. The timeline and scope of this phase will vary based on the services selected (see above), however, you can expect to meet for a presentation of the work after Round 1. You’ll also receive a copy of the presentation to be able to review in your own time to provide feedback.

4. Feedback & Refine

After reviewing the design work, you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback so we can continue to refine the design and share back with you for approval. The number of design revisions varies based on service package and if needed, additional revisions can be purchased for an added fee.

I recommend consolidating feedback from all stakeholders prior to sending it over. This approach helps ensure the project scope stays on track, on time, and on budget.

5. Rollout

Once the design is approved, it’s time to share it! I’ll package up your design files, style guide, and whatever else is included in your package deliverables and send them to you. This is when we may kick off a second phase of the project as well (if applicable) for things like a website, print materials, packaging, etc…

The best part of a new design project is getting to share it with the world!

Let’s do this!